Mobile commerce

Checkout via Smartphone

Seize the moment of attention, and offer closing opportunities in every customer contact. Such an impulse to buy quickly dissipates or is forgotten.


In-app payments

Our solutions seamlessly integrate with your app. During an initial purchase or registration, we authorize and tokenize the payment data used.

An impulse – I'll buy that!

The direct path from the ad, email or push message to the sale. Our mobile-optimized smart checkout can be launched from any website.
Payment from QR code
Start selling directly in the storefront, from a poster or an advertisement. Every customer contact can lead to success!

Our practical example: Backstube Hermann Härdtner

More service for your customers with your own app

Bäckerei-Kunden bei der Backstube Hermann Härdtner genießen einen besonderen Service: Sie bestellen Ihre Wunschprodukte per App vor und holen sie anschließend nur noch in ihrer ausgewählten Filiale ab. Der Clou dabei: Sofern nicht bereits eine Kundenkarte in der App hinterlegt wurde, wird diese automatisch beantragt und Ihre Kunden sammeln ab der ersten Bestellung bereits Bonuspunkte. Die Zahlung erfolgt unkompliziert per Kreditkarte, Lastschrift, Paypal oder über die aufgeladene Kundenkarte. Dies geschieht alles in einem Vorgang. Selbstverständlich ist die in der App nutzbare Kundenkarte ebenfalls am POS vor Ort nutzbar. Sie möchten Ihre Brötchen ebenfalls per App verkaufen?

Our practical example: Window shopping

Use your storefronts for sales

Window shopping made easy. Scalerion offers its customers an innovative shopping solution – no queuing, no handling cash and delivery directly to their door. Customers see a product and scan the accompanying QR code with their smartphone or tablet. Subsequently, a selection mask opens, through which they can select their desired payment method and submit their order directly. Your customers can buy a product within seconds, even outside your store hours.

Would you also like to offer your customers window shopping via QR code?

These customers already use our in-app payment:

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Your secupay team

Email: [email protected] | Telephone: +49 (0) 35955 75 50 0
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m