Smooth Payment Processing
portagon GmbH
portagon offers a software solution for companies to raise capital and for intermediaries to set up digital financing platforms - secupay handles the payments.

The challenge
secupay convinced: In addition to its 20 years of expertise as a payment provider, the company is also experienced in the field of digital financing. The two companies have been cooperating from the start. The payment plugin is currently used by around 30 crowd investing platforms that work with portagon software. The solution enables issuers to raise external capital digitally via their own issuing website or via portagon customers who have set up their own platform. To date, secupay has processed 5,000 transactions with an issue volume of around EUR 12 million. The investment amounts are collected in an escrow account and paid out to the project if the disbursement requirements are met. In addition, secupay supports the issuers involved with the automated processing of interest and principal payments
The solution and cooperation
secupay convinced: In addition to its 20 years of expertise as a payment provider, the company is also experienced in the field of digital financing. The two companies have been cooperating from the start. The payment plugin is currently used by around 30 crowd investing platforms that work with portagon software. The solution enables issuers to raise external capital digitally via their own issuing website or via portagon customers who have set up their own platform. To date, secupay has processed 5,000 transactions with an issue volume of around EUR 12 million. The investment amounts are collected in an escrow account and paid out to the project if the disbursement requirements are met. In addition, secupay supports the issuers involved with the automated processing of interest and principal payments. Together, secupay and portagon ensure smooth payment processing.
Johannes Laub, Founder and Managing Director of portagon, said: "Our goal is to map the capital raising completely digitally. The interface to a reliable payment provider with excellent service like secupay is crucial for the satisfaction of our customers and their investors.”
About portagon gmbh
As a pioneer of digital finance, portagon creates simple, independent and reliable access to the private capital market. With the leading technological infrastructure and the best ecosystem, portagon connects issuers, intermediaries and investors in order to process transactions securely, quickly and cost-effectively. 280 customers have raised more than EUR 215 million via portagon’s software solution (as of December 31, 2021).