SEPA direct debits ‘processed by secupay'
You can submit direct debits via secupay with and without scoring, with and without a payment guarantee, with up to 28 days pre-authorization, as a recurring merchant-initiated payment or as a subscription. Once the customer has deposited their IBAN, they can complete and pay for their purchases with one click, without the hassle of 2-factor authentication as with credit cards or Paypal. SEPA direct debits ‘processed by secupay' means pure flexibility.
Secupay offers payment modules or payment plug-ins for many store systems. Of course, you can also integrate the secupay direct debit directly via our API or SDKs.
Advantages of the secupay direct debit
- Payment guarantee upon request
- Processing of returned debit notes
- Risk and credit checks
- 1-click payment in store modules and via API
Ablauf einer Transaktion per Lastschrift
After selecting the direct debit payment method and submitting the transaction and customer data, we deliver a link to display a modal or iFrame for entering the payment data. Alternatively, you can send us the account information entered on your page. If the customer agrees to the direct debit mandate, a credit check will be performed if configured. If the result is positive, the customer is directly redirected to the store's order confirmation page.
If a mandate has already been created for a customer, you can submit the transaction to us using the account details you have on file or the Payment_Container_id (token) we send you when the customer makes their first payment.
This allows customers who are logged in to complete the purchase without further input.
You have the option to authorize the direct debit only at the time of purchase. The direct debit is then not executed until you perform a capture for the transaction. As a rule, you have up to 28 days to do this without any restrictions on the payment guarantee. This is especially interesting when there may be price adjustments, as you can adjust the transaction amount via the API or the secuOffice merchant portal until capture.
Mixed baskets and split payments
We support mixed baskets, so you can submit a transaction to us with goods from different vendors. In addition, marketplace fees and/or affiliate shares can also be booked. We then split the outgoing payments according to the transmitted values.
Die secupay-Zahlungsarten für den POS & Onlinehandel
Offer your customers the right payment method and increase your sales conversions - both in stationary - and online retail.
For e-commerce merchants, secupay offers store modules and plug-ins for the six most important payment methods. We offer additional payment methods via API integration.